Rahasia Membuat Chewy choco chips cookies yang Khas

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Chewy choco chips cookies. Chewy oatmeal cookies packed with walnuts and chocolate chips are easy to make, and your family will love the combination of flavors. I have not met one person who did not like them. These soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies are the most popular recipe on my website!

Chewy choco chips cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are arguably America's favorite cookie (though we don't think there's actually much argument). No, these are for the staunch supporters of the chewy, the tender, the oh-so-soft cookie that has the classic toffee-flavored batter studded with. Super soft, chewy, and studded with chocolate!
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Chewy choco chips cookies menggunakan 9 bahan dan 4 langkah kerja yang cepat.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Chewy choco chips cookies :

Chocolate chip cookies are a go-to favorite dessert, sweet snack, or after-school treat. This cookie—which is made in the soft and chewy style—gives you both the nostalgia of childhood bake sales and the satisfying, grown-up flavors of dark chocolate. It is seriously the Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever! I have been making these for many, many years and everyone who tries them agrees they're out-of-this-world delicious!

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Chewy choco chips cookies :

  1. Siapkan semua bahan. Masukkan margarin, gula pasir dan vanili. Kocok selama 2 menit, hingga semua larut dan adonan memucat..
  2. Masukkan telur, kocok rata. Masukkan terigu, baking powder, baking soda yang sudah di ayak. Aduk rata lagi..
  3. Terakhir masukkan chochochip, aduk rata. Padatkan adonan dan bungkus pakai plastik/cling wrap. Simpan di freezer selama 30 menit..
  4. Keluarkan adonan. Bentuk adonan dan tata di loyang yang sudah di alasi margarin atau baking paper. Oven dengan suhu 165 delcel selama 15 menit. Sesudah 15 menit, kukis memang keliatan lembek namun akan mengeras dengan sendirinya..

These are everything a chocolate chip cookie should be. Classic chocolate chip cookies made without the dairy butter, milk or eggs! Everyone loves these cookies and can never guess that they're Add chocolate chips and stir to combine. You name it, I tried it. The BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe!