Bagaimana cara Membuat Cookies teflon 2 (pandan, strowberry dan choco chip) yang Murah Di Rumah

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Cookies teflon 2 (pandan, strowberry dan choco chip). These cookies are actually very popular in Indonesia, specially in the special event such as the coming Eid. TOPPING: Choco Chips, keju parut , sesuai. Tambahkan perasa pandan dan pewarna hijau.

Cookies teflon 2 (pandan, strowberry dan choco chip)

Add egg, milk and pandan extract. This Coconut Pandan Cake Roll is moist and delicious with a Tropical twist. and the taste is just so wonderful with every bite. The sponge cake is made with freshly squeezed pandan juice and coconut milk like the chiffon cake that I had shared in my previous post, but this time with a little adjustment in.
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Cookies teflon 2 (pandan, strowberry dan choco chip) menggunakan 9 bahan dan 6 langkah kerja yang cepat.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Cookies teflon 2 (pandan, strowberry dan choco chip) :

The Coconut Pandan Cookie is an ethnically-inspired cookie that is naturally green in color and fun to mix in with your more traditional holiday desserts. It's made from a tropical plant. Pandan cookies for this Chinese New Year. It's the time of the year for this festive season and I want to celebrate it with the familiar aroma.

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Cookies teflon 2 (pandan, strowberry dan choco chip) :

  1. Siapkan semua bahan.
  2. Campurkan margarin dan gula pasir (halus). Aduk hingga gula tak terlihat dan mentega mulai mencair (tidak menempel pada whisk).
  3. Ayak tepung terigu bersama garam, baking powder. Lalu aduk hingga merata. Setelah diaduk dengan merata lanjut di uleni hingga bisa berbentuk adonan. Bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian.
  4. Satu beri pasta pandan dan satu beri pasta strowberry. Lalu beri choco chip dan uleni adonan. Bagi adonan kecil kecil lagi. Dan pipihkan.
  5. Panggang dengan cara (bisa dilihat di gambar). Dengan api kecil ±15 menit. Memang tekstur agak lembek. Diamkan disuhu ruangan. Dan cookies akan mengeras dan garing😄.
  6. Cookies pun jadi!! Mudah bukan? 😍 yuk buruan buat. Oya ini porsi nya kecil. Kalau mau porsi banyak bisa double resep ya😊.

If you don't have a square mould, just roll into a log or shape with your hands! But pandan is hardly a one-purpose ingredient. Across Southeast Asia, pandan-flavored treats stand front and center at street market stalls with their unmistakable highlighter hue. Broken down from its leaf form and into extract, pandan finds its way into the batter of spongy chiffon cakes, staining chunks of. Tips for making the perfect pandan chiffon cake: Pandan leaves Select pandan leaves like a painter mixing colours to get the right shade.